// Day Three
If you missed parts one and two of this mini series, you can catch up part one here and part two here. All photographs by Iris and Light.
We spent our wedding night at Brimnes and stayed in their large cabin right on the water overlooking Ólafsfjörður. We'd arranged to meet Ryan and John for breakfast in Akureyri before heading off for our final day of shooting. I'd brought an Instax camera along with me which John had been taking some shots on over the 3 days for us.
For as long as I can remember I've wanted to see Goðafoss, one of Iceland's spectacular waterfalls, so I asked if we could do some shots there. It was pretty busy with tourists but Ryan and John somehow managed to make it look as if we were the only ones there.
We finished up the day at Námafjall Geothermal Area, also known as Hverir, getting soaked from the steam vents and taking some other worldly photos.