Dailies are regular updates that can usually also be found on our Instagram.
// 03.09.20
It's my last day in the studio for a couple of week's. I'm taking a much needed break and heading off for a staycation tomorrow. Keep your eyes peeled on Instagram stories for some Scotland spam.
I'm doing a final post run this afternoon and then the next posting day for orders will be in a week's time on Thursday the 10th.
I get asked a lot what But 'n' Ben means. It's a two roomed cottage. The outer room straight off the front door, the 'But', would have been your main living/kitchen/sleeping everyday space. The inner room, the 'Ben', would have been a more formal space for guests, entertaining and double up as extra sleeping space. I've even heard the same phrase used for an old 2 roomed tenement flat. They're more commonly used as holiday cottages now.